Developing Leaders
We believe that faith in Jesus starts with following Jesus; trusting him as the leader of our lives. But we also believe Jesus empowers his followers with influence, and in many cases, leadership. Throughout the history of the church, leaders have cared for and guided the Body of Christ, helping their communities follow Jesus more closely. That’s why we strive to equip our existing leaders and consistently develop new leaders to increase the influence and impact of the church in our time.
All of our ONMB churches covenant together to:
- Ensure all teaching and pastoral staff are affirmed through our MB credentialing process, ideally as part of hiring or by the end of their first year of pastoral ministry (and for existing uncredentialed staff, as soon as possible).
- Where possible, participate in ongoing ONMB, Multiply, or MB Seminary leadership development initiatives and educational opportunities such as Pastors’ & Leaders’ Day, Awake, and various seminary offerings, in order to further hone the skills required to navigate faith and discipleship in today’s context.
- Encourage and intentionally develop young leaders in your context. Where possible, participate in and leverage leadership development initiatives such as Leaders Collective, SOAR, Action, Trek, etc.
- Where possible, promote Camp Crossroads to children and students as an investment opportunity into their discipleship and leadership development.