Ways to Give.
We believe Jesus’ activity through his church is the hope of the world! We see good days ahead for the Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches as we grow in strength and fruitfulness in making disciples together.
By Credit / Debit Card
Please follow the steps below to complete your online donation.
By Interac e-Transfer
For one-time amounts that don’t repeat, this is a good option. The e-Transfer should be sent to ONMB at info@onmb.org. No password is needed but please provide your mailing address in the message box to receive a donation receipt or email info@onmb.org with your contact information.
By Cheque
Cheques payable to The Ontario Conference of MB Churches can be mailed to:
The Ontario Conference of MB Churches
339 Scott Street
St Catharines, ON
L2N 1J7
Legacy Gift
Leave a lasting legacy that participates in extending the Kingdom of Jesus! Consider making a gift to ONMB from your estate. Contact the ONMB office for more details.