ONMB Newsletter | October Issue
Greetings Friends,
As you open this email (and subconsciously determine whether you will read beyond this first line), may I offer you a blessing and a word of encouragement. These are uniquely challenging days. Your emotions, like mine, vacillate day to day, if not hourly. Not one of us have walked this path. We desperately need the empowering of God’s Spirit to sustain us and lead us forward.
Paul’s words seem so apropos: “So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” (Gal. 6: 9-10 MSG)
Friends, thanks for hanging in there and leading in the context in which God has called you.

In spite of COVID this has been a very full fall, particularly related to bylaw revisions and CUSP conversations. All the details are on our website. Please mark your calendars for one of the Regional Meetings – Nov. 24th or 26th. These will be offered virtually, and will be identical in content, so you just need to choose one.
Our heart and passion is to resource you as best we can. Bonita Eby, one of the resource presenters at our wellness seminar this fall is willing to assist you. Feel free to reach out to her directly or check out her website for many resources. Her recent Blog post entitled: “How to Prevent Church Ministry Burnout” is so helpful.
An additional refuelling opportunity just around the corner is our Prayer Retreat with an advent theme. This will be held virtually on Dec. 2nd from 9am-1pm. Click on the images for more details. The retreat will be a combination of virtual guidance, personal prayer and reflection time, and group sharing and discussion. We hope you can join us.

Your ONMB Board will be meeting on Nov. 11th. We need so much wisdom and insight for leading at this time. Join us in praying for the selection and discernment of new Board members. The nominating committee has just begun this process.
We are so grateful for the solid financial support of our churches even during this pandemic. As we near the end of our fiscal year, we trust that our adjusted budget will be met. Would you consider a personal year end donation to the ongoing support of ONMB? You can do it right here.
keeping you updated...

Join MB Seminary for an online conversation on November 24, 2020 from 4pm-5:30pm EST.

A letter from Robyn Serez for the EC Mobilization Team:
“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.” (Psalm 95:6-7)
Dear Pastors and Leaders,
I hope you are well and that God is giving you glimpses of his faithfulness and love these days – not just for your community but for you personally too!
One Thanksgiving weekend highlight was taking my phone with me around a farm property and snapping shots of leaves, trees, sky, hills, grass, flowers… I am not a photographer but that activity of slowing down and zooming in on a single leaf reminded me of God’s focused attention on us, his creation! He is zoomed in and invites us to keep in step with him.
This update comes with warm greetings from us here at Multiply in Eastern Canada. Our staff team continues to see God moving in and through his church during this time. Read more…
Ed Willms,
Executive Director