ONMB Newsletter | May Issue
Greetings Friends,
It’s the middle of May. As each of us have the opportunity to be vaccinated, (please get your shot and encourage all in your sphere of influence to do the same) hope and anticipation for a brighter future grows. How will summer look? What will be the impact on our churches? Will there be a camping ministry? Will our kid’s schools open their doors yet before the summer break? If not now, then what about the fall? We live with a mixture of hope, anticipation and realism.
This posture of hope fits with what’s coming in the next few weeks…
First, I want you to be aware of two Wellness events that you can tap into for your own strengthening and edification. We are collaborating nationally for a half day with Chuck Degroat – May 26th 12:00 – 4:30pm EST. In addition, I have invited Christa Hesselink to guide our teams in Ontario in a contemplative prayer retreat – or a Soul Care Retreat on June 23rd from 1:00 – 3:00pm EST. Details and registration is below.
These events are free for you to access but you must register. Please prioritize your own renewal as we head towards summer.

ONMB Soul Care Retreat: June 23, 2021
Give yourself permission to pause and rest to restore.
If you’re feeling frayed or fatigued, and wanting to ground yourself in the love of God, this retreat is designed with you in mind to restore you, not exhaust you.

National Assembly: June 10-12, 2021
Second, I would like to remind you that our National MB AGM is just around the corner: June 10-12. You must register as a delegate through your local church.
Registration is now open.

Third, the ‘open letter’ that was circulating a few months back related to LGBTQ+ dialogue, together with an official response from your National Faith & Life team are both posted in the MB Herald Digest. If you have not seen them, here is the direct link:

MCC Virtual Event: June 4, 2021
Fourth, in partnership with MCC Ontario, please note a virtual event they are hosting on June 4th at 7:00pm called: “The salt and light of MB churches in Columbia.” See what God is doing in the Columbia at this time.
Finally, and this might sound like a real stretch – Mark & Jennifer Wessner (MB Seminary) are planning a tour of Israel in March of 2022. If you are following global news, you know that there is much uncertainty and unrest in that part of the world right now. So, in faith, check out the details: Trip to Israel.
Yes, we live with hope, faith, and love and a healthy dose of realism. Blessings this week as you serve Jesus in your context.
On mission with you,
Ed Willms,
Executive Director