ONMB September Update
Greetings Friends,
It caught me off guard. I was seated at my Optometrist’s office for my biannual check-in. All I wanted was a new prescription. As the appointment began to drag on, I began to sense that something was off. Finally, the disclosure, “Ed, you have a cataract, and you will need surgery.” I was stunned. A cataract? I’m too young for such a thing. This can’t be true. My vision is fine. However, as I drove home, blinking and testing my eyes, I noted for the first time what the Doctor detected with clarity – my right eye was blurry. How could I have missed that?
Tomorrow, after four months of waiting, I entrust myself to a specialist’s knife. I’m looking forward to being the recipient of a new lens.
I mention this (not only to invite your prayer support), but also to underline something plaguing all of us in leadership these days. Clarity is often lacking. If we are honest with ourselves, we likely would admit that we have fuzziness or blind spots in our leadership. The complexity of the issues before us and the people we lead are polarizing. It seems to be impossible to lead with 20/20 clarity. We need the empowering of God’s Spirit, sober reflection, and the community around us to gain a clear vision for leading in this moment.
Today, September 20th, is our Canadian election. This month marks the fourth wave of the pandemic effecting different parts of our country in differing ways. On either of these issues and a myriad of others, we find ourselves with competing perspectives. You would think that within the family of God there would be more unity. But alas, that is not the case.
I won’t go into depth on these issues in this post (you might find Bruxy Cavey’s insights helpful). I would simply ask you to consider both voting and vaccines from a global perspective. We in Canada are privileged to have the option to engage in both. As I think of folks I know in other parts of the world where voting or vaccines are not options, I know their suggestion to us: Take advantage of your privilege, Go and vote, Get vaccinated. These small steps not only benefit us and those closest to us, but they also speak volumes to brothers and sisters around the world who can only dream of participating in either activity.
The following is a prayer by Robyn Serez, a member of our National Faith and Life Team. May it inspire you as you pray for Canada.
A familiar Scripture passage comes to mind when I ponder how to pray for the upcoming federal elections. According to Matthew 6:9-10, Jesus identifies us as people or citizens of God’s kingdom and as the children or family of God. In our identity as citizens of God’s kingdom family, we are invited to pray for our nation — for his kingdom to come and his will to be done here in Canada as it is in heaven.
As September 20 approaches, let’s pray earnestly for the fulfillment of God’s will (“good, pleasing and perfect” Romans 12:2, “that none should perish” 2 Peter 3:9), and for the values of the kingdom (reconciliation, peace, justice), which are desperately needed in this land today.
Matthew 6:9-10
“This, then, is how you should pray:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.”
I’m praying for more clarity with my human eyes and my spiritual eyes. May God grant us more clarity. Praying that God’s will be done in our national election. Praying for the speedy end of this pandemic.
On mission with you,
Ed Willms,
Executive Director