ONMB Newsletter | March Issue
Greetings Friends,
Let me begin with a shout out to all the women reading this update. As you know today is International Women’s Day. I’m guessing each of you experience this day with varying emotions and reflections. As a white male leader in the church who has been so blessed by the women in my life: mothers, spouse, daughters, friends and so many colleagues in ministry, I’m so grateful for your collective impact in my life. I desire to be vigilant in listening, respecting, empowering, and submitting myself to our shared journey in life and ministry. We need each other working in solidarity and unity to make the difference that Jesus calls us to in our day. May this not just be a ‘one day’ a year event, but the posture we take for each day of every year.
I’m also grateful for how our 90th ONMB Convention came together – back on Feb. 19 & 20. Thanks again to all who engaged with us over the Friday and Saturday events. We had more participation in each of our offerings than ever before. Fortunately, the tech side of this undertaking worked seamlessly which was a further benefit. If you missed the Friday night event or would like to view the celebration again, you can access it below. The community virtual choir was very well received as well. It too is available for you to revisit or to use in one of your church services. Here are the links to both of these events.
One of the personal stories we highlighted was the testimony of Philip Serez. This fall he was diagnosed with ALS and has begun a new journey of faith, hope and love with his wife Robyn and their family. This Sunday (March 7th) Philip shared his story in more detail for the WMB church community. You can view it here. I should also inform you that on Wednesday (March 10th) at noon, WMB is having a Facebook Live event with Philip and Robyn as they explore further details of their story. Check that out below.
One last item for this update is to invite you to our National CCMBC Town Hall meeting set for March 18th at 7:00 – 9:00pm EST. The details of our CUSP (Collaborative Unified Strategic Plan) will be unpacked by Elton and our national leadership team. I think you will find this time to be informative and inspirational.
Registration details found here: https://www.mennonitebrethren.ca/town-hall-meeting/

All the best as you serve in your corner of the world this week. May we be women and men who serve with a heart disposition which aligns with the hurting and powerless around us. May we find new ways to advocate for those on the fringes of society. Bless you as you serve King Jesus today.
On mission with you,
Ed Willms,
Executive Director