ONMB Special Update | July 2021
Greetings Friends,
A warm and blessed greeting to each of you during these last days of July. What a year it has been. I trust you are remaining strong with the renewal that our Lord brings. Like me, I’m sure you are longing for a fall season in which we will be able to connect in person once again.
Leaning into the spirit of hope, I have some thrilling news to share. After a prayerful and rich discernment process we are delighted to announce that Ryan Jantzi will be joining our ONMB team as our new Ministry Director. Ryan comes with 10 years of ministry experience, most recently as lead pastor of the Kingsfield Zurich Mennonite Church. He is a grad of our MB Seminary in BC and has a deep passion and love for the church. He will be joining our team with a primary focus to lead Church expansion and to assist in the significant area of Faith & Life, both nationally and provincially.
He will be starting this new role in mid-October. I would invite your prayerful support to surround him, his wife Brittany, and their family as they make this shift in ministry focus.

“I’m thrilled to be joining Ed Willms and Kristi Lee on the ONMB staff team this fall and am thankful to have received the invitation to this Ministry Director position. It’s neat to see how God is tying several of my life experiences and passions up into this one role. I love the increasing momentum I’ve been observing throughout ONMB and I’m looking forward to getting to know and to working alongside you all to multiply disciples of Jesus together.”

Ryan and his wife Brittany currently reside in Zurich, ON with their four amazing children.
Thanks again for all your prayerful support both personally and for our overall team. God continues to lead us forward and we are filled anticipation at what is coming in the days ahead.
On mission with you,
Ed Willms,
Executive Director