ONMB Board Appoints New Executive Director
Happy New Year friends! We are excited to start the new year off with some exciting news, as we announce that your ONMB Board has appointed Trevor Seath as the next Executive Director for ONMB!

Trevor has been closely connected to ONMB for many years now, most recently through his work with C2C Collective. Trevor is a credentialed leader with ONMB and has served as a church planting coach, confidant, friend, and spiritual leader to many across our province. Trevor brings a passion for raising up disciples who make disciples and a strategic vision born out of over two decades of ministry leadership in the local church, church plants, and diverse missional expressions.
“In this moment of change and opportunity, there is a critical need to include and empower a more diverse cohort of leaders who will prayerfully advance God’s mission with resilience, humility, and love.” (Trevor)
The ONMB Board would like to extend a huge thank you to our Search and Discernment Team (Jeff Jantzi, Jeff MacLeod, Sarah Patterson, Kevin Bayne, Rafiqua Masih) for their exceptional and diligent work this fall, which led to their recommendation of Trevor for the role of Executive Director. The work of this committee was followed up by a further interview and discernment process by our board. We are grateful for God’s calling for Trevor and hold great anticipation for all that God has in store for this new season in ONMB.
Trevor will begin his role with ONMB on January 22nd. We invite you to hear more about Trevor’s appointment through this video as well as on our ONMB Jesus Stories podcast with Ryan. A special episode with Trevor will be available this evening through the link below.
We invite your prayers for Trevor, his family, and our staff and board, as this role transition takes place later this month. We look forward to celebrating this together at our Convention in February.
Blessings to you, your families, and our churches as we begin a new year together.
Michelle Knowles, ONMB Board Chair
Doug Valerio, ONMB Board Vice-Chair
On behalf of the ONMB Board