Resourcing Ministry
We believe effective ministry requires sufficient resources, and that by pooling our God-entrusted resources we can do more together than any of us could do alone. To that end, we seek to resource our churches with a spectrum of tools: from theological and ministry related; to logistical and administrative. At the same time, we ask our churches to faithfully invest in our shared provincial and national initiatives to ensure that all aspects of our responsibility and influence across the country are sufficiently provided for.
All of our ONMB churches covenant together to:
- Support and promote to staff and congregation the financial and operational resources and benefits provided by the conference.
- Actively share unique expertise, experience, skill sets, and learnings with other MB churches.
- Practice a financial investment in order to expand the impact of God’s love beyond any of our individual local churches, in order to invest in and expand our collective ONMB and CCMBC kingdom initiatives.