ONMB April Update
Happy Easter Weekend.
This is why we do what we do – to proclaim the death and resurrection of our Lord, until he returns!
I am praying for you all this afternoon, that you would boldly proclaim the Good News of Jesus this weekend. May there be Gospel fruit of lives made new. Of people turning to Creator with repentance, receiving forgiveness for sin. May this proclamation lead to baptisms. May the Holy Spirit fill and empower you all!
I share with you two quotes and one Scripture passage to bless and encourage you as you head into your ministry this weekend:

– Fleming Rutledge, The Crucifixion
“Sentimental, overly “spiritualized” love is not capable of the sustained, unconditional agape of Christ shown on the cross. Only from the perspective of the crucifixion can the true nature of Christian love be seen, over against all that the world calls “love.” The one thing needful, according to Paul, is that the Christian community should position itself rightly, at the juncture where the cross calls all present arrangements into question with a corresponding call for endurance and faith.”
(The most powerful book on atonement that I’ve ever read! I couldn’t help but worship as I read Fleming’s powerful theology. Listen to her recent interview with Russell Moore here).

“Jesus’s resurrection is the beginning of God’s new project not to snatch people away from earth to heaven but to colonize earth with the life of heaven. That, after all, is what the Lord’s Prayer is about.”
– N.T. Wright, Surprised by Hope
What will Easter Worship Apart from Your Ministry Look Like?
While worshipping with our people gives joy, I also feel it’s critical for ministry leaders to occasionally be with God outside of their ministry context, especially during holidays. It’s good to worship in a setting where you’re also not tending to the relationships and dynamics around you.
My preference is to slide into an Anglican or Catholic worship service on a holiday weekend. I love being directed by the liturgy and in a space where nothing is expected of me. The Holy Spirit speaks to me in these spaces. What is it for you?
Another church? A long walk in the woods? Quiet time at home? A small group? I’d love to hear what is meaningful to you. May you receive from God as you also pour out for others.
Have a great weekend!
With love and resurrection hope,
Ryan Jantzi
On behalf of the ONMB Staff and Board