ONMB August Update
Greetings Friends,
I write this note from the West Coast. For the first time in well over a year, I’m enjoying the fellowship of connecting with our National Ministry Team. What a gift it is to actually be in the same space together sharing our lives with each other. As I’m sure you can appreciate, we all value this much more than we have in the past.
While out in BC, Karin and I are also taking a brief holiday to connect with family. Three highlights of this time will be: seeing our grandsons, helping our daughter settle into a new apartment in Vancouver as she pursues studies at UBC, and a Memorial service for my Dad. For the first time since his passing on to glory last December, my immediate family will be gathered with my mom around the graveside to honor Dad. So many emotions go with each of these experiences.
Here are a few items for you to note as we move closer to the fall…
We are looking forward to hosting Pastor Credentialing Orientation in Ontario this fall. Lord willing, this will be our very first in-person event after a long span of time. Much planning and discernment have taken place and we look forward to gathering as a group of pastors and leaders who are currently working to complete their credentialing with us. Registration will open soon.

Details will be coming soon about this falls ONMB Regional Meetings. Please stay tuned.

Grow 2 Serve is a missional partner and resource tool from Multiply. Sustainable Resilience is a 2 week online course designed to help you understand and grow in resilience and remain true to your calling.
A participant wrote “this is a course that is well-suited to intermix missionaries and lay people so that there’s collaboration and learning that takes place between each other, and not just from the course itself. It would be a particular help to Mission leaders in the church, in giving them another healthy perspective as to the factors that contribute to, or hinder resilience in the field.”
Thanks again for all your prayerful support both personally and for our overall team. God continues to lead us forward and we are filled anticipation at what is coming in the days ahead.
On mission with you,
Ed Willms,
Executive Director