Convention 2021
Convention 2021 was not the celebration we imagined it would be!
Celebrating our 90th Annual Convention online, separated in our homes, was not what we planned or saw coming. However, we were reminded that the church of Jesus Christ is resilient, and we will continue to press forward even during a global pandemic.
This was true in February 2021 and is still true today. We have all had to think differently in every aspect of ministry. We have all had to think differently about how to be the hands and feet of Jesus when faced with many and ever-changing guidelines.
Andrew Plett, Lead Pastor of Mountain Park Church in Niagara Falls and this year’s Virtual Host, read Psalm 93. He reminded us that the Lord is our mighty King and our world cannot be shaken when we keep our eyes on Jesus.
Our theme for 2021 was “THE ROAD WE ARE ON”. Considering that this was ONMB’s 90th anniversary, Ed Willms, our Executive Director, shared a historical perspective of the MB Conference of Churches. Through story and photographic memories, we heard that the early church saw the value in joining together as a Conference of Churches with five visionary goals:
1) to establish and maintain places of worship,
2) to build colleges, seminaries, and institutions of learning,
3) to establish, maintain and operate homes for the aged,
4) to encourage and support institutions for the treatment of mental illness and
5) to set apart individuals for Christian Ministry.
Ed encouraged us to continue walking strong in faith on the “Road We Are On”, as God is not finished with us yet. We celebrate the past as we look to the future.
We are grateful that even though we met virtually, across vast distance, we are united in these moments on the road behind and the road we are on together