The Ontario Conference of MB Churches meets annually at Convention where we gather as a family of churches to share, learn, make decisions, and break bread together.
Each Member Church is asked to appoint their single Voting Representative as well as register
their Convention Members (formerly called Delegates) into membership in the Ontario Conference.
Each Associate Church is invited to register their Representatives into membership as Convention Members.
What is the role of a
Convention Member?
Convention Member?
The Voting Representative and Convention Members act as delegates who are responsible to represent the will of their Member Church as a meeting of the Members, also known as Convention. Both the single Voting Representative AND Convention Members are all voting delegates at Convention, each with one vote, all votes are equal.
- to elect members of the ONMB Board of Directors and Nominating Committee
- to discuss and approve the ONMB Budget
- to hear and receive reports from the Executive Board, Nominating Committee, National Team Members and Ministry Organizations (provincial, national, and global)
- to vote on policy, direction, and amendments to governing documents
The membership of the Convention Members shall end at the close of the meeting of the Members for which the Convention Members were registered.
*6.2.2 Rights of a Convention Member
*6.4.2 Convention Member Application
Who can be a
Convention Member?
Convention Member?
The Ontario Conference may grant membership to an individual to become a Convention Member who is a member in good standing of a Member Church that is in good standing with the Ontario Conference.
All individuals nominated as Convention Members:
- must be at least 18 years of age
- may be members of the pastoral and leadership team, as well as lay persons
- must be a member in good standing in the Member Church
- shall be approved by the church membership or governing board of the Member Church
- Associate Church Representatives may be registered as Convention Members by virtue of being Associate Church Representatives
In addition to the single Voting Representative, a Member Church may have one (1) Convention Member for every twenty-five (25) church members or fraction thereof of that Member Church.
*6.1.2 Convention Member Requirements
*6.4.2 Convention Member Application
*16.2.4 Associate Church Representatives
Important Registration Details
To ensure that those registering as convention members have been approved and designated by their
Member Church, those Member Churches will register their own convention members.
An individual convention member is not able to register themselves.
*6.4.2 Convention Member Application
Registration Process:
ONMB church leadership encourage their congregation members to attend the ONMB Annual Convention. If you are interested in attending the Convention as a Convention Member (voting delegate) please contact your church leadership to register.
ONMB Associate Church Representatives may register as Convention Members (voting delegates) by following the same registration process as stated above. The ONMB Board will approve by resolution all Associate Church Representatives, as per article 6.6.5.
Each ONMB Member Church and Associate Church is asked to register the names of the Voting Representative and all Convention Members (voting delegates) through their member church’s administration office who will then communicate with our ONMB administration team. Details will be emailed out to the church offices in the new year.
If you are unsure if you are a Convention Member or if you are interested in being a Convention Member representing your church, please connect with your pastoral or administrative staff.
All churches are encouraged to send non-voting guests to the Convention. Individuals can register themselves as Convention Guests by clicking on the link below.
The ONMB office will provide all pertinent information to all registered guests, Voting Representatives, and Convention Members approximately 2 weeks before the Annual Convention.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Kristi Lee at klee@onmb.org.